Do Dubs in Israel use "the Divine name"?
They had to stop due to the increasing number of stonings by jewish women wearing fake beards.
missionaries physically attacked anti-missionaries in netanya
16:00 jun 27, '05 / 20 sivan 5765. .
Do Dubs in Israel use "the Divine name"?
They had to stop due to the increasing number of stonings by jewish women wearing fake beards.
have you ever noticed someone who has a 1000 yard (meters for you english types.
well i keep noticing that dub women in particular have this creepy 1000 yard stare.
and then a while after my wife got dunked she and the kids got in one of those picture booths.
Well all i know, is that back when i was in the org there were a few people that had that odd stare. It was always a small number and they were always a bit weird or funny and everyone knew it. I think they were just a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic. Probably nothing to do with the fact that they were JW's although the troof would probably have amplified any eccentricities in these kind of people.
now i only drive automatic transmission cars....because there is so much traffic and too many stop signs.
it becomes annoying.
i used to love driving manual transmissions, but no more.. the internet is one other thing that i wouldn't be able to do without.. how about you?.
I agree with Nicolas. Manual trans is the way to go.
Things I can't do without: Motorbike, Piano, Girls, The latest watchtower (kidding! :o)
hey guys don't know about you but i got through these periods where i seriously put my foot in it via email, forums, txt messages etc.
in real life i'm quite diplomatic and have a knack for saying the right thing.
the sort of thing i'm talking about is replying to all in an email, rather than just replying to sender, and disseminating a whole bunch of information to people you never intended it for.
I'm sure they'll get over it
IMO the best thing about posting or emailing over the internet is that you can think about what you write and even edit it before you send it off!
I bet that deep down inside, those parents are relieved that their son is getting a transfusion.
or do you think they would be still be demanding and cult like?
do you think they would be a little more laid back in australia?
there would possibly be someone with a similar name, a lot of irish people came to australia as well.
Yeah, instead of brothers they'd all be called mates. :P
hey current and recently stepped-down elders,.
has there been any direction from the co/do/brooklyn areas to go after the people suspected of 'fading'?
it seems that we're seeing more and more folks getting elder's visits scheduled, like an explosion recently.
Thanks AlmostAthiest, your words are much appreciated.
Hey ozzie, after all the recent dramas i've decided to move. I'm heading to the beach =D.
Maybe we can have another apost8 restaurant near the beach??
hey current and recently stepped-down elders,.
has there been any direction from the co/do/brooklyn areas to go after the people suspected of 'fading'?
it seems that we're seeing more and more folks getting elder's visits scheduled, like an explosion recently.
Thanks ozzie, a part of me is really hating the JW's now and another part pities them.
For 4 years i've treated my family and any JW's I run across with respect. I've never tried to criticize their faith or put across any of my own personal beliefs. My attitude was one of non-interference. But now all of a sudden i realise that all that was pointless.
How do you deal with it when your family can't have anything to do with you anymore?
I guess i'll have to sort it all out once the anger dies down.
hey current and recently stepped-down elders,.
has there been any direction from the co/do/brooklyn areas to go after the people suspected of 'fading'?
it seems that we're seeing more and more folks getting elder's visits scheduled, like an explosion recently.
It could be case. After 4 years of fading the elders have started visiting me and looks like they're gonna DF me (who knows). They wanted to have a judicial comitee. They must have heard i was living with my gf (although that was 2 years ago.) I told them i wasn't really interested in coming along to the Judicial comitee meeting. What was the point, I don't believe in it anyway. And if my parents are going to shun me then i'll take it up with them.
But the funny thing is that after 4 years now my parents are saying that they can't have much to do with me! They were treating me fairly decent before. They new i stopped believing in it, although now i'm beginning to think they didn't really take me seriously and just thought i was a prodigal son who would come back.... ah ah ah no way!
So yeah, this has all just started happening in the last month or so.